What Difference Does a Office Cleaning Company Make to Your Bottom Line?

Most organizations hire office cleaning or building maintenance companies based on their ability to provide a clean appearance. Your bathroom smells fresh. Floors shine. Your carpets look pristine.

Those are all good things. They make you happy. And they keep your customer happy.

But at the end of the day, you run an organization. And you need to see a bottom-line financial impact so you can keep operating.

So, how can your office cleaning company affect that?

The specific measurements are up to you. But here’s a few ways your cleaning company improves your bottom line:

1. External Office Cleaning will give you healthier, More Productive Employees

Sick employees don’t work as fast. They make more mistakes. Or, they use sick time because they can’t come in.

Healthy employees produce at high rates. They make fewer mistakes. And they don’t use nearly as much sick time.

Your office cleaning company should be able to explain how their services keep employee productivity high.

And think about these additional benefits:

If you run a school, students (and by extension, their parents) don’t get sick nearly as often

If you operate a medical practice, or hospital, you could be saving patients from serious illness, or even death

2. What the Office Cleaning company maintain Lasts Longer

Admittedly, this is harder to measure. But, when you maintain your carpet, furniture, and various surfaces, they keep their look and perform their functions longer.

Otherwise, you end up replacing them. Sometimes, this happens outside of the warranty, and before the expected end of the life of the product.

Proper maintenance also keeps your warranty valid. And if your product’s outside of the warranty, it’s almost guaranteed to last longer than it would without maintenance.

Maybe this cost savings isn’t as big as others discussed here. But great businesses that prosper for years during good times and bad understand the value of doing the little things right.

3. Happier Customers Buy More and Stay with You Longer

Of all the benefits to your bottom line, this one’s likely the biggest. According to a Australia Today article:

50% of customers who experience anything negative in your bathroom tell their friends or family

Almost 30% will never return to a restaurant bathroom if they have one negative experience

Maybe that title should change to,”Happier Customers Buy.” Because, ones with negative experiences don’t.

We’ve also heard the story of a prominent investor based in the East. To decide whether to give companies millions of dollars to accelerate their growth, he’d visit the company in person and use their bathroom.

If it was a mess, the deal was off. Immediately!


The investor knew companies that didn’t take care of their bathrooms also could care less about their employees. Companies who didn’t value employees naturally had unhappy employees who didn’t treat their customers right.

And you know what that means? Angry customers…and a much higher chance of failure for the company at worst. And at best, a huge dent in their profits.

View Office Cleaning Services as a Business-Growing Asset

Look, we both know cleaning professionals don’t get taken seriously much of the time. But truly, they can be the difference between the life and death of your company. Or, at the least, they affect a significant portion of your revenue.

So when you choose who to trust with maintaining your building, view it as serious as any other decision you make. Don’t think of it exclusively as improving the appearance of your building.

Because, hire the wrong company, and workers don’t show up on time (or at all). They do a lousy job. And that leads to upset customers who talk negatively about your company and never return.

Yes, choosing the right Office Cleaning service who treats your business just like it’s their own is essential to your success.

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